Did You Know Your Chiropractor Can Help Prevent Common Hockey Injuries?

Ice skating alone can be a source of many injuries over the winter months, but adding hockey to the equation can increase your risk significantly. Whether you’re playing in the little leagues, recreationally with friends on weekends, or professionally – there are some things you can consider to prevent common hockey injuries.

The most common injuries we see as chiropractors include neck sprains, knee injuries, muscle injuries, and shoulder dislocations.

Everyone is at Risk of Injuries

The older we get, the harder we fall. And, the more time spent on the ice, the higher the likelihood of injuries. Additionally, repetitive movements lead to strains that otherwise may not develop.

Ultimately, everyone who plays hockey is at risk of injuries. As chiropractors, we focus on preventative care; however, we are most known for specializing in injury care.

Regardless of the level of hockey you play, the following tips can help you to prevent hockey injuries.

Maintain a schedule that includes regular chiropractic adjustments. The ability to address strains before they become injuries is often a matter of correcting form, adjusting, and following up. Many injuries are preventable through proper form before the muscle strains and joint breakdown. By interrupting this process, we will be your first defense in injury prevention.

The positions players maintain will tell us which injuries will most likely occur. The way they move directly indicates the work we will do. However, one thing remains the same for the safety of all players: a strong core.

Defense Persons: Defense players are repeatedly bounced off boards, hit, or knocked off their feet or skates. People who play this position often arrive at our with shoulder and collarbone injuries.

Forwards: This position causes people to change positions quickly, take hits from other players, and transition at high speeds. These movements cause players to experience repetitive hip or knee injuries.

Goalies: The repetitive motion of dropping to their knees or quickly moving to one side often will lead to groin and hip strains and sprains.

High Impact, High Speed

As with any high-impact, high-speed sport; your warm-up, post-game stretches, and attention to detail regarding your form are all equally important. With regular chiropractic care, you will improve your range of motion, balance, and flexibility.

Chiropractic Care Enhances Your Performance

Additionally, chiropractic care reduces the risk of injuries and improves joint mobility and flexibility. It targets pain sources, reduces inflammation, and can provide immediate relief. It can also enhance overall flexibility, joint mobility, and athletic performance while promoting faster recovery after injuries.

Chiropractic care has proven to be a game-changer for hockey players. Not only does it enhance performance and prevent injuries, but it also reduces pain and inflammation, increases flexibility, and speeds up recovery time.

Injury prevention is game enhancement. Contact us learn more about how we can be your secret weapon!


Five Activities You Can Do to Improve Your Cognitive Function

It’s no secret that your brain and spine work in tandem to maintain the best possible function of your body and nervous system. But, there are numerous ways chiropractic care and simple life adjustments can achieve optimal results and improve your overall cognitive function.

Most of the interference that occurs with cognitive function begins with stress. Both emotional and physical stress will impact how well your brain functions, from poor posture to accidents to problems at work; all stressful life events can have an equal impact on how you think and feel.

Here are five things you can begin to do today to help improve your cognitive function:

Move your body every day. It sounds simple in theory, but applying this to the days you don’t feel like doing anything can be more challenging than one would expect. Daily movement will keep your mind sharp. Movement improves the way your brain processes information and the speed at which information is processed. Daily movement will improve your mood, digestion, appetite, and overall well-being. Does this mean you have to go to the gym every day? Not necessarily (if it is not your thing); it just means getting up for a stretch and walking around your area every thirty minutes.

Get enough sleep. This is not new news; the quality of your sleep is one of the most critical aspects of your health. Good sleep hygiene includes everything from consistent timing to the use of electronic devices, meditation, meal times, room temperature, mattress quality, pillows, and more. Take care of your sleep the same way you would if you were taking care of a small child and their bedtime. Sometimes, the atmosphere has to be just right; the same goes for you.

Practice your balance. Your brain communicates with your body through many avenues, balance being one of them. Balance on one foot for 30 seconds each once a day (or more). To challenge yourself, stand on a soft surface or use a wobbleboard. Activities like snowboarding, skateboarding, yoga, bike riding, or anything that requires balance are excellent ways to maintain good balance and an optimum brain/body connection.

Maintain good posture. When you consciously decide to pay attention to your posture, you extend the spine and elevate your mood. Have you ever noticed how good a long stretch in the morning feels? When you wake up and extend your arms over your head and lean back, you stimulate your brain function. Work some of these same stretches into your day and feel the benefits.

Use your non-dominant hand. Completing regular activities with your non-dominant hand will feel strange at first. However, the more you practice things like brushing your teeth, opening a car door, using the TV remote, or eating with your non-dominant hand – they will become easier over time. The result? Activating the pathways on the opposite side of your brain stimulates overall brain function.

Remaining healthy does not have to be complicated. Chiropractic care is not isolated to adjustments concerning injuries. Chiropractic care is meant to be as preventative as possible. A healthy body equals a healthy brain and vice-versa.