Chiropractic Care Has Long-Term Benefits
You don’t need to experience a catastrophic injury to begin chiropractic care. There are plenty of reasons to include chiropractic adjustments in your self-care routine that go beyond healing immediate injuries and natural pain relief. Chiropractic can provide longevity, proactive injury prevention, improved sleep, and an overall feeling of wellness.
What are some of these benefits, more specifically?
Improved mood and increased energy
Those who have experienced a chiropractic adjustment know the feeling of relief after an appointment. You sleep better, your joints feel looser, and your body can feel lighter. The improvement in mood and energy allows for less stress and better productivity.
Natural pain relief
This goes without question. Most people arrive at a chiropractic clinic after a sustained injury or for relief from chronic conditions like sciatica, migraines, or arthritis. Chiropractic care has a reputation for improving the quality of life of those living with chronic pain. However, preventative care is the goal, so receiving chiropractic care before the onset of pain-inducing conditions or accidents will always improve your results and overall quality of life.
Increased flexibility and range of motion
One thing patients love about chiropractic care is the restorative effect adjustments and care plans can have on your quality of life. Aging affects us all, and over time, our joints can wear down, muscles become tighter, and some experience bone density loss. The realignment of the spine relieves stress on joints and muscles, allowing you to remain more agile. Better agility equates to fewer everyday injuries we commonly see in the aging population. Remaining active safely, as you know, dramatically improves longevity. Aging gracefully can happen for you.
Improved athletic performance
We aren’t all athletes, but the ability to maintain athletic performance is something that is vitally important to many. There is a reason professional athletes have a chiropractic team on staff, but even those of us who want to maintain our everyday level of athletic performance recreationally require the expertise and knowledge of a chiropractor. The slightest adjustment can improve overall performance, even for those of us who participate in recreational forms of sports.
Chiropractic care offers several long-term benefits
Chiropractic care often focuses on your spine but also has the capacity to focus on other parts of your body depending on the particular issue you’re dealing with. It’s never a one-size-fits-all scenario, and treatment plans are as individual as the person being treated.
Self-care is more than bubble baths and weekend trips, although I would never suggest removing these activities from your routine. Your day-to-day care, including meeting your medical and chiropractic care needs, sets the foundation for optimal self-care. The goal is always longevity, proactive injury prevention, improved sleep, and an overall feeling of wellness. This can be achieved through chiropractic care.
Connect with us to learn how chiropractic care can have long-term benefits for you.
Ankle Sprains
An ankle sprain is not only painful, it can be a long-term inconvenience. An ankle sprain in the snow and ice adds another element of concern when you are afraid of further injury or re-injuring a healing sprain. An ankle sprain in the other seasons can prevent you from being able to participate in activities you may enjoy or require to maintain your job or your household. The sprains can add stress to your day and the rest of your body, which will quickly compensate for your ankle’s lack of mobility.
Patients are often shocked to discover that a sprained ankle can lead to neck soreness and headaches!
What Does This Mean?
It means that your spine, hip, legs, abdomen, and shoulder/neck can become stressed when you do everything to avoid the pain of the ankle.
In short, take your time and rest, especially when you have a million other things you would rather be doing.
If you have sprained your ankle, we will ensure you are well-equipped with all the tools you need to ensure you are safe and educated. We will also test the grade of the sprain and move forward with treatment options accordingly.
There are three grades of ankle sprains. Each classification will help you understand the nature of your injury and the best treatment options.
The Three Grades of An Ankle Sprain, Explained
An ankle sprain is an injury that involves ligaments that are stretched or torn. With your ankle, this can happen to the joint’s interior or exterior. It could be an inversion or an eversion sprain; the discomfort and urgency to allow your ankle to heal without further stress or injury is essential.
Grade 1: This is where the ligaments have not been torn but have stretched further than they should have. Symptoms can include discomfort when jogging, jumping, and sometimes even walking. The ligaments may feel stiff and unstable, and there could be some mild swelling.
Grade 2: This is the most common type of sprain we see. The ligament is partially torn, which can be moderately uncomfortable or painful. A grade 2 sprain can be painful when walking, and there is likely a moderate level of swelling and bruising.
Grade 3: This is the most severe, and it involves a complete ligament tear. The pain is severe, even when not standing on it, and noticeable swelling/bruising will occur. The level of pain makes it very difficult to use.
What’s Next?
Your ankle plays a vital role in your mobility; no one understands this better than a Chiropractor and the individual experiencing the sprain. The truth is that most sprains can begin to heal nicely with rest, ice, and elevation. But to speed up the recovery process and ensure you aren’t doing further damage, we would develop an individualized treatment plan to not only help with healing but also move forward with a prevention plan. This plan will include adjustments, light stretches, and strengthening exercises.
Ultimately, a sprained ankle at any time of the year is a huge, painful, and sometimes long-lasting inconvenience. Luckily, we are here help you ensure your ankles remain solid and mobile so you can enjoy the changing seasons and all your activities, free from stress!